Site icon Anoop Menon ceo of Confianz Global

Why I am frustrated with Linkedin these days

I started using Linkedin when I was in college, for connecting with like-minded people around the globe and it helped me a great deal in landing my first software job. It helped me further, when I started my first business venture in 2008. Linkedin has been useful to me in hiring talented resources in multiple geographical regions, networking with fellow entrepreneurs and most importantly, getting some good business connections.

Yet, for the past 2 years, things have gone haywire with Linkedin. People tend to use Linkedin for the same reason as Facebook, as they do not understand that these serve two different purposes. It has started getting less professional and I for one, am been getting more and more frustrated to the extent that I stopped my regular use of the portal.

Here are the some things that Linkedin users need to stop doing:


All the above is my personal opinion, I do not mean to personally offend or attack anyone. I have the option to disconnect with such people on Linkedin. But such people are in fact degrading an otherwise unique and professional platform, by using it for useless gimmicks and spam.

Hope someday, Linkedin will start considering this seriously and at least have a reporting feature for people to bring such things to their immediate notice.